Sponsor & Exhibit

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Why Exhibit?

The 2024 ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo 它在语言教育市场上有一席之地吗. ACTFL的与会者都是备受尊敬的教育工作者,他们正在为学生和教室寻找最新的产品和服务. 他们准备根据他们在展区看到的情况做出购买决定.

如果你想建立你的客户基础面对面接触超过7,000 language educators, ACTFL年会和世界语言博览会是一个不容错过的机会!

ACTFL Exhibit Hall

Exhibit space is selling very quickly for ACTFL 2024! View the interactive Exhibit Hall Floor Plan and Exhibitor List. 请注意,所有蓝色展位均可预订(黄色/绿色展位预留)。. Once you find a location you would like, fill out the Exhibit Space Contract and confirm your participation by emailing it to cbloyer@minisb.com. 提醒一下,家具不包括在展位费用中. This includes carpet, table(s), chair(s), electricity. 家具可以通过我们的装饰公司购买,或者你可以自己提供. 如果您提供自己的地毯/地板,必须得到ACTFL的批准.

对于目前的参展商:请忽略你可能收到的每一封声称有“ACTFL与会者名单”出售的人/公司的电子邮件/电话, 以及让你预订酒店的人/公司. These are SCAMS (ALL OF THEM – ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS). 我们鼓励您阻止/垃圾邮件,不回应他们.

Request Exhibit Information

What You Need to Know

How much does it cost and what's included?

Exhibit Hall Hours

*All times are ET

Exhibitor Move-In

  • Wednesday, November 20: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, November 21: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

*All Exhibitors must have their booth set up by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 21 for inspection. Please arrange your travel accordingly. 参展商不允许在周五上午搭建展位, 所以请在周四中午12点前到达费城, November 21.

Exhibit Hall Show Hours

  • Friday, November 22: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, November 23: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, November 24: 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Exhibitor Move-Out

  • Sunday, November 24: 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Exhibitor Workshops

Exhibitor Workshops

现在报名参加45分钟的时间,直接在展览现场向与会者展示您的产品和服务! You must be an exhibitor to purchase timeslots. 每个时段是950美元,如果你购买多个时段则是900美元/个.

What are Exhibitor Workshops?

现在报名参加45分钟的时间,直接在展览现场向与会者展示您的产品和服务! You must be an exhibitor to purchase timeslots. 每个时段是950美元,如果你购买多个时段则是900美元/个.

View Sponsorship Opportunities


View Media Kit

利用我们的广告机会告诉ACTFL电子下注软件你们全年提供的一切! 我们有很棒的数字和印刷广告可供选择.

Who are the attendees?

我们有超过6500名最敬业的语言教育工作者参加了ACTFL 2023! Here are the attendee demographics from 2023.

For information and reservations, visit the housing page.

Booth Personnel Registration
Registration is available here.

Exhibitor Service Kit

需要更多关于参展、赞助或广告的信息? Contact Casey Bloyer by email at cbloyer@minisb.com or by calling (703) 894-2900 ext. 109.

We hope to see you in PHILADELPHIA!

Tell attendees you’re exhibiting

我们为参展商制作了一个媒体包,帮助您让与会者知道您将参加ACTFL 2024. 随时可用的图形和示例帖子将使您轻松分享并邀请与会者参观您的展位或参加您的研讨会.